Friday, January 21, 2011

catfish day three.

ew angela. sick. gross. disturbing. utterly disgusting. insane. angela literally lied about every aspect of her life, stole pictures off of someone randoms facebook, made up information about her own daughters, and had a relationship with a twenty year old man, and she was fine with it. like, its disgusting. how can you lie about something like that? she took so much extra effort to do this, and in a way i just feel sorry for her. how sad is her life that she has to do what she did. she lied about her two daughters, she had a facebook affair with a twenty year old guy while she was married, she lied about having cancer, she stole pictures. she should go to jail. this movie is very messed up. so she wanted to be a dancer when she was young. she decided to party and screw it all up and now to relive her life over again she's hurting multiple people. whatever she has to do to feel good about herself she will do. and i hate her for that. i don't care if she has anything wrong with her. you don't do what she did. sick.

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